Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don't cheer. It's not good news.

Now that The New Republic, a US right-wing publication group, has been sold to CanWest, that paragon of international media concentration, some US commentators believe there may be a shift in focus.

Don't count on it.

I agree with John and Chet that any optimism expressed by Americans that the Asper family will, in any way, tone down the rhetoric of TNR editor-in-chief Marty Peretz or Franklin Foer is sadly misplaced.

I like how some Americans are under the (woefully-mistaken) assumption that The New Republic will somehow improve now that it's being bought whole by the Aspers.

The logic seems to be: Aspers = Canadians, therefore less crazy neocon garbage.

Sadly, the truth is Aspers = batshit crazy Canadians, therefore the wingnuttiness is likely to increase, if anything.
Afraid so. I'd only add the following: Aspers = Elite Canadian media barons who can't stop complaining about the "Canadian media elite," and never seem to realize that they're it.
Canadian ownership could turn out to be worse. To illustrate, I give you the example of Conrad Black, (who gave up his Canadian citizenship to feed his ego). And, it must never be forgotten that Canadian ownership of US media groups and personal patronage produced this piece of work.

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