Which we created!
From ABC News:
Mimicking the hijackers who executed the Sept. 11 attacks, insurgents reportedly tied to al Qaeda in Iraq considered using student visas to slip terrorists into the United States to orchestrate a new attack on American soil.Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Yes... and the usual suspects are busy puckering their assholes, sucking air and pointing at the sky. Terraists!!!
What ABC fails to mention is that al Qaeda did not exist in Iraq before March 20th, 2003. They simply weren't there.
So what else was ABC up to today? Well, how about a little mixing of drama and politics. In an attempt to make life imitate art, ABC posed a question and attracted an opinion piece from Hugh "There's no silicon in my man-breasts" Hewitt on whether FOX television's "24" went too far in depicting a scenario during which Los Angeles gets nuked. So, under which particular heading did ABC lodge this particular question and answer about a television drama, all of which is pure Hollywood fantasy?
Under ABC News POLITICS, of course. Don't worry... I'm confident CNN will come around and find a spot for American Idol in the appropriate broadcast spot.
Wow... and just one day before the smirking little prick stands before a hostile congress and presents his State Of The
Speaking of which... it looks like George has fallen so far that he's going to copy his Canadian counterparts. When times are tough and friends are few, green's the new winning hue!
President Bush's staff promise that his pronouncements tonight on energy and climate will "knock your socks off" and score headlines "above the fold."Woo... heavy stuff. Especially since...Listen for soaring new goals for biofuels like ethanol, a plea for more presidential power to boost vehicle fuel economy and perhaps a more concrete acknowledgement of global warming.
President Bush ruled out mandatory reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions in 2001, favoring encouragement of voluntary cuts and investment in low-carbon technologies.Al Qaeda in Iraq? Yessir! You brought them there; don't expect them to be tame. Kind of reminds me of something I saw somewhere.
ABC is worried whether "24" has gone too far. Nah! Amateur production compared to what the Brits put out 22 years ago. Now that was nasty bit of drama and it didn't even get off the entertainment pages.
And, as for Georgie Junior suddenly going green, well, isn't it amazing how, when the neo-cons, no matter what nationality, suddenly discover that the majority of the population dislike them, they run and hug a tree.
It's all quite stunning really.
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