Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Television Bureau of Canada Boo Boo

In amongst all the giddy celebrations surrounding the Harper minority government's surviving their first (only?) year in office was this story in The Star.

It concerns a complaint made against Radio Canada by the Conservatives. Apparently Sandra Buckler is pissed that their meeting in Texas having to do with the quadrupling of production in the oil sands has been characterized as "secret" and as "theirs".

It was not "secret" apparently according to Buckler. And, also according to Buckler, it had been agreed to by the previous Liberal government.

Anyway, go read it.

And pay especial attention to the final few paragraphs which include the following

"Last week, the Television Bureau of Canada refused to approve an ad aimed at Harper because it included an excerpt from a campaign speech, and Harper hadn't given his formal permission to use it...Jim Patterson, the bureau president, said Tuesday the bureau made a mistake, adding that the person who handled the request should have known that Harper's permission was not required." (emphasis mine)

Who was the person who handled the request?

Is this person a member of a particular church? A particular political party? What are this person's family connections?

Nahhh...nothing to see here...move along.

Couldn't be like that Bush family member at Fox who called the election for Bush in 2000.


Conservatives would never do such a thing.

They wouldn't have been slowly inserting themselves into positions of authority in our influential regulatory agencies with the aim of subverting them for partisan purposes.

Would they?

You bet your ass they would. Count on it.

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