Sometimes the wankers just, y'know, put on a good show. Aside from the usual gibberish produced by Ass-Rocket, this amazing gem appeared:
This afternoon, some idiot hacked into our server and briefly disrupted the site. Everything is now repaired, with the only consequence that we've lost today's posts. If anyone has them cached, we'd appreciate it if you could send them to us.Oh no! Call the cops!
We're not sure whether we will be able to identify the perpetrator or not, but if so, we will make every effort to see that he is criminally prosecuted.Hmmm... this is serious. Give it a day and we'll have Dick Tracy on the case. Sure enough, from co-blogger Mirengoff, this appeared:
Last night, John reported that "some idiot hacked into our server and briefly disrupted the site." He promised to "make every effort to see that [the hacker] is criminally prosecuted."If that isn't bad enough, Ass-Rocket provides a couple of book "spoilers" as literary analogies explaining his going off half-cocked.
It turns out that this was an inside job and that I was the idiot hacker. I won't explain how I managed to take down our site, since we're not interested in copycats. Let's just say that, as dangerously ignorant as I am when it comes to computers, it's surprising that I haven't managed something like this before.
Literary analogies come to mind. In Footprints Under the Window,, the first Hardy Boys book I ever read, the footprints are revealed, on the last page, to be those of Fenton Hardy, the boys' father. In Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, one of the most famous murder mysteries ever, the murder turns out to have been committed [don't finish the sentence if you haven't read the book] by the author of the first-person narrative. My ten-year-old daughter adds The Bald Bandit by Ron Roy, in which a "detective" searching for a man who stole money from a bank turns out to be the thief. I'm sure there are many other examples.Umm... no. I would direct our Minnesota legal wanker to a completely different piece of literature.
And, there's even some appropriate reading for Mirengoff.
Canadian Cynic has more and TBogg takes us for a stroll down memory lane with Ass-Rocket launches without a guidance system.
I swear, the only place you can have this much fun is at the San Diego Zoo at the Orangutan enclosure about 1 hour after feeding time.
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