OK. I contributed in a bored and very boring sort of way. Call it a sense of duty if you will. I will chalk it up to 5 AM wake-ups and a desire to go with whatever flow strikes me at the time.
I regret that now.
The announcement by Harper of a cabinet shuffle means four-fifths of fuck all. It means nothing.
Cabinet shuffles in Canadian government are like New Years resolutions. They happen predictably and result in very little. Sometimes a super-star emerges, but not often.
When an outfit is run by a micro-manager it doesn't matter who fills the vice-presidential chairs; who commands the platoon; who gathers around the cabinet table. Those individuals are nothing more than window-dressing drawing too large a salary for having their ears cocked to the boss's door.
For a person who found his new god shortly after his arrival in the oil patch and shifted his politics so far right that Temüjin would look pink, he seems perfectly comfortable with exercising power from an office initially empowered by a person he outwardly despised.
Hypocritical little puke.
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