The White House press briefing by Tony Snow contained this little remark yesterday: (Emphasis mine)
Also, I want to address kind of a rumor, an urban legend that's going around -- and it comes from language in the President's Wednesday night address to the nation, that in talking about Iran and Syria, that he was trying to prepare the way for war with either country and that there are war preparations underway: There are not. What the President was talking about is defending American forces within Iraq and also doing what we can to disrupt networks that might be trying to convey weapons or fighters into battle theaters within Iraq to kill Americans and Iraqis.Then there was this:
Q: Everyone from the President on down has said that this depends on the cooperation of the Iraqis. And yet, to date, nothing has been heard from al Maliki, as far as I know. He's declined to endorse this, though invited to do so. There's no expression of enthusiasm over there.Ah yes. When a major shift in military disposition in one's own country by an occupying force is announced, one does not make a speech unless it was already on the calendar. To do otherwise is the stuff of modern folklore. Then:MR. SNOW: Well, no, that's not true. As matter of fact, the Prime Minister, as I pointed out, on Wednesday he talked in a very forward-leaning direction about going after militias, and he mentioned the Sadrists by name. On Thursday he mentioned Muqtada al Sadr. I'm sorry, that -- yes, Wednesday and Thursday. Then yesterday, his press spokesman, in the weekly briefing, talked about the fact that they have been working with the Americans and that as the plan moves forward it is in concert with the Iraqi government. But there's also another --
Q But he's declined to speak about it.
MR. SNOW: No, and I'm glad you raise that, because that's urban legend number two of the day. And I think some news organizations that have reported this are prepared now to issue corrections.
He did not decline. He was never scheduled to make comments about it yesterday. It was his spokesman's normal weekly briefing. And somehow that has been reported or misreported as the Prime Minister not showing up for a briefing.
Q Sure, but wouldn't you think that under the circumstances, with all of the rollout that's gone on here, that you would want the principal ally to endorse this in the most public and positive way? MR. SNOW: You know, you've got an interesting political dynamics. You can turn it around and say the Iraqis have made clear their support.By not coming out with a two sentence line endorsing Bush's ridiculous plan, that is viewed as support.
OK, all you penis enhanced warbloggers out there. Here's one for you. Your subjugated spousal unit goes to the hair dresser. She returns and asks, "How do you like my new hair style?" You say nothing. Tell me how that works for you.
Digby takes on Urban Legend number one. Go read.
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