Top reasons people call their community newspaper:
- Because they saw a story that improperly used "who" instead of "whom" - twice! - and "don't you people have any standards?"
- Because they've been eating paint chips all morning and need someone to talk to other than the voices in their head.
- Two words: Damn & politicians
- Because the communists are putting fluoride in the drinking water and polluting our precious bodily fluids
- Because the precious fruit of their loins has just done something exceptional that has never been done before, like put on a really cute Halloween costume.
- Because those damn kids won't stay off their lawn
- Because those "politically correct types" at the other newspaper are "censoring" them because they wouldn't print their letter to the editor about how "the jews and the blacks are conspiring with women's libbers and homos and immigrants to destroy this great country"
- Two words: Free & advertising
- Because their uncle/cousin/neighbour/some guy they met down at the legion last Tuesday is brilliant and we should give him a regular column
- Because we should interview them about their passionate interest in a vital issue that concerns the entire community: their exhibitionist narcassistic personality disorder.
- Two words: Insufficient & medication
- Just saw the "first robin of spring" in mid-February or mid-June
- Because "their as MAD as HELL!!!!!!! and there NOT going to take it ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" --- oh, wait a sec, wrong list. That one is from the "reasons people write letters to the 'Editur' list.
- Two words: Shut & In
- "Why don't you people ever write about anything good happening?"
- "Did you guys hear about whatsisname? You know, that guy. You should do a story about him. I think he won some kind of award or contest or did something, I forget what, but it was really something!"
- "You didn't hear it from me and I don't want name any names, but I'm pretty sure that guy across the street is up to something"
- And the #1 answer on the list: Two words: Church & bazaar
(Not that I ever get these kinds of calls anymore, because all the people who read the paper I work for are terrific, wonderful, salt-of-the-earth types. But the people who used to call those other newspapers I used to work for? Whoo boy!)

Except at the CBC where those comments, precious gems that they are, get added directly to the articles and those crazy bags of wind get to duke it out with each other.. Oh how I do NOT envy anyone in the industry.. I suppose they get far less enraged calls than a local paper though mostly because the loons can comment directly thus feeling somehow vindicated or something..
My favourites:
-There's vandalism!!!11111!11eleventy!ENDOFTHEWORLD (it's one shopping cart in the middle of the skate park)
-To complain about school/municipal council/organizations etc. Yet they haven't bothered to voice their complaint to said organization first so that the problem could *possibly* be addressed. They just phone us. These people also refuse to go on record.
-Oddly shaped vegetables
-"Hi, we're biking/running/something across the country for a cure for something"
-The "We collected food for the foodbank, please come take a picture of all 30 of us with the two boxes of food!"
This is the season of church christmas bazaars. Ugh. And I actually do have to get photos at all of them. *facepalm*
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