But, since LuLu was the one pushing the issue, I'll acquiesce to the request (demand) (I'm trying to visualize the results of saying "no").
Six things about me that are unimportant:
1. Several years ago this was my favourite song, then General Motors screwed it up.
2. The last time I went hunting, (1986) was about 4 years after a rather grinding experience half-way across the world. My hunting partner had a fair-sized buck in his scope. I put a round into the ground ahead of the animal which then bolted away. It was the last round that rifle ever fired and the last time I shot at anything which didn't have at least the capacity to shoot back.
3. I speak a street-level Arabic يستطيع أنا دفعت الغرامة الآن
4. I have a car (OK, it's really Cheryl's) fitted with a racing engine which gets far better fuel economy than most anything built in North America today.
5. I used to have a photographic memory but it ran out of film.
6. I'm pretty good at Trivial Pursuit myself. Quick. Without looking it up, what is the telephone area code for San Diego?
Because this is a meme-free zone, I cannot impose this on the unwilling. Six volunteers?
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