Conversely, Republican pattern is what he calls the "strong father" model. The emphasis is on control, discipline, rules and structure with much less consultation.
I am really of two minds as to how far this model goes beyond the rhetoric particularly of the Republican Party. Is it possible that they talk a good line, but don't follow through -- and what's more, their adherents don't expect them to follow through?
That may explain why, in the words of Canadian blogger The Wingnuterer,
Rightwing Nutterz here in Canada are just going insane as the Grandpa Simpson and June Cleaver Campaign is going down the drain. Obama is a Marxist, Obama is a Socialist, Obama is a Terrorist, Obama is a Muslim,... McLame Supporters beating themselves up and carving letters in their faces, supporters at rallies scream out death threats and racist garabage,... Poor old Comedian, Rush Limpball is foaming at the mouth,..

And if we put this in the context of parents and children, I can tell you what this reminds me of. It reminds me of children who have been pampered and spoiled by the non-custodial or negligent parent, but who have been removed from their care and now realize they're going home to live under the fair but strict rule of Nanny McPhee.
Sounds about right to me.
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