Lowermanhattanite winds through the past activities of US presidential candidate Rudy Guiliani in a post which spreads a little butter on the toast that was Guiliani's term as mayor of New York City.
It's good. It's very good.
I'm not just talking about the city's aggrieved, workaday Johnny Lunchpails and Suzy Run-In-Her-Stockings having issues with the Rudester. Noooooo, you see--Rudy Giuliani is that rare beast that engenders ill-will at every stop in his climb to lord it over the last bunch of people he worked with. And in so doing, his list of fucked-over folk who hold a grudge against him is as long as his now-defunct combover was once wide. There are people who have lain in wait--some for years, with crates full of dusty, Schadenfreude-laced molotovs ready to toss at his campaign--but, they're holding off just now on chucking the really incendiary shit, if you can believe that. Instead, some have let fly with a few cherry bombs and M-80s, just to get the baggy-suited little fascist's attention. And, they've also let the thing that had it fully existed then, would have rendered him null and void during his first successful mayoral campaign, namely the internet--do a lot of the recent dirty work for them--that and his seeming compulsion to feel that he can soooo do no wrong, and that even his goofiest pronouncement or crazed bray is "Like...hey! Cool, bro!" in the eyes of most sane folk. But...lurk they do, these people with tales of the unspoken Rudy, ready to go with their shit at just the most opportune, the most damaging, and mean-as-fuck time possible. Now, I know you're saying, "Oh please! What politician doesnt make enemies on the rise to the top? Big whoop!" Well, that's the difference between what a person who didn't live here in NYC in the years leading up to the luckiest day in Giuliani's life--September 11th, 2001--and those who did, actually know about the so-called "America's Mayor". To give you an idea of some of the people crouched in the bush with blow-guns trained on Giuliani's pasty, concave ass, dig on this stuff:Read on. It's great. Steve Gilliard would be proud.
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