George W Bush is not a merciful man. In fact, all his past behaviour has suggested the complete opposite. He lacks the necessary conscience to actually perform an act of mercy, behave in any way charitable or empathize with anybody outside his own tight circle of well-to-do brats. Even then, if he feels the slightest bit threatened, or is advised that he is feeling threatened, (Yes. There is a distinct difference there.), he is more than willing to throw a "friend" under the bus.
While intellectually lazy, Bush is dissociated from events even when he has a direct hand in them. He eliminates his complicity in anything and everything which might cast him in a role from which he would have to take anything close to personal responsibility.
When Canadian troops were killed by a free-lance bombing mission conducted by US forces in April 2002, Bush provided no statement at all until directly questioned by a reporter. His response was little more than a shoulder-shrug. Shit happens; no big deal; fog of war. Mercy requires empathy and Bush is simply not equipped to muster that kind of inner-strength.
What is amazing, however, is how the Bush cargo-culture is describing the commutation of Scooter Libby's 30 month jail term as an act of mercy.
It is no act of mercy. Bush knows the meaning of the word only when it is something he might be compelled to beg for himself.
No. This is a blatant and predictable act of ass-covering.
Marc MacDonald details the history of George W Bush's merciful behaviour. It is and remains an empty page.
Chet puts out another brief history on "how things work" which explains how mercy simply does not enter the equation.
Both are well worth reading.
And those attempting to paint Bush as anything close to "merciful" share in advancing one of the worst criminal enterprises to ever run a developed country.
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