Hillary Clinton was born 26 October 1947. She is almost 60 years old. Her only child is now 27 years old. To be honest, I suspect the shade of her hair is courtesy of L'Oreal®. She is also one very adept politician.
So, when the politician is giving a speech on the important issue of the cost of higher education, televised on C-SPAN, what gets noticed by some mindless Washington Post fashion editor? The fact that Hillary Rohdam Clinton, a female, may actually be physiologically the same as other human females. She has breasts!
The worst of it though, is that it took a run in media and the blogosphere, the likes of which elicited memories of Oliver North standing before a congressional hearing with his hand raised ready to fall on his sword for trading weapons with an enemy of the state.
It was as though there had been some kind of attempted cover-up. All this time, nobody was able to fathom that Hillary Clinton had a remarkably average chest for her size. All this time she was hiding them!
It's not like there was anything more important happening.
Now, the international media is covering it.
Luckily, one British fashion editor has taken a saner view:
[London] Times fashion editor Lisa Armstrong. "If this had been a cavernous drop into some gigantic valley of cleavage, the outraged critics might have had a point. But this is so discreet as to be barely detectable without a magnifying glass - more cleavette than cleavage. Good on Hillary Clinton for finally acknowledging that she is, you know, a woman and for daring to presume that the public is sufficiently adult to listen to her making a speech on the cost of higher education whilst wearing a non-poloneck, without being inflamed by lustful feelings. What a shame she was wrong."Was she? Or did she just trigger the eight-year-old mentality of the news media? A ridiculous piece written by fluff-driven airhead, who usually produces this kind of tripe, suddenly gets unwarranted attention under the pretense that she had become a serious scribe.
In a country that produces over one-half of all the world's hard-core pornography, without so much as a sneeze, major news networks, big city journals and untold numbers of bloggers couldn't stop pointing at You Tube clips providing evidence of a gap between a pair of mammary glands. The Viagra® and Kleenex® must have gotten one helluva workout in the FOX newsroom.
Maybe the fashion editors of the major US news outlets should keep a closer eye on the male members of the US Senate. They might notice that when some of them loosen their ties and undo the top button of their shirts, they're getting a glimpse of foreskin.
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