Thursday, June 12, 2008

High Speed Internet Becoming Pointless

Should Harper and Prentice's "Made in the USA" copyright hatchet job get passed by Dion and the Rubber Spines how useful is it going to be to have a high speed internet connection anymore?

YouTube, Google Video and all the other video sharing sites will become a place to watch Uncle Sid and Aunt Doris's videos from their vacation in Moosonee last year.

High speed isn't necessary to pay bills or fill out government forms or bank (which you still shouldn't do, boys and girls) or buy books or blog or read news sites etc. It would be for gaming but I'm not a gamer and millions of others aren't either.

So if it passes I'll be downgrading my account significantly.

And I'll be blogging more consistently about the need to plant all politicians head down in pigshit.

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