Thursday, June 19, 2008

CBC, are you listening?

I was away and unfortunately missed this until this morning. It would seem "one of the most powerful leaders of the Christian Right in this country" *, Dr? Charles McVety may well have some explaining to do. Some of his so-called degrees, on surface examination, don't survive the litmus test.

Now, the heavy lifting on this has already been done by Yaya Canada, Bill Kinnon and toujoursdan, not to mention others, so I'm simply adding to the growing number of voices asking you folks with the TV cameras, microphones and investigative journalism tickets to crawl on over to Achievable Ends, read the whole thing and then present the question to Charles McVety.

Given that McVety is chummy with the current federal government and claims to have some influence in the Prime Minister's Office, it would be interesting to know if the brand of Christian moral bullshit that McVety is peddling is the work of a huckster.

Mind you, given the significant quantity of "Made In America" ideas floating around the Harper camps it may well be that the Harperites are quite accepting of pulpit-bashers possessing diplomas with perforated edges. It works south of the border.

* a line conferred on McVety by CBC's The Hour.

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