Kissmyroseyredass you hypocritical sonofabitch.
You, of all people, are busy pissing your pants complaining about individuals producing videos which demonstrate the character flaws of your Dear Leader?
My gawd!!! Do I have to hit you with a two by four?!
This blog, of all places, is bent politically in five different directions... except one.
Get it?!
It's not about the Liberals.
It's about Harper.
And... it's about you - a confirmed and remunerated Conservative Party operative.
I know you can't figure out the difference between astroturf and grassroots but to sit there and whine about it?
Someone should put a frame around you and tell people to watch out for stray darts.
Need an explanation? Read Steve V.
And don't bother to wipe the shit off your lips. It so becomes you.
It is only when the tide goes out that you know who's been swimming naked.
Reported quote by Warren Buffet.
Incorrectly quoted by Stephen Harper
Reported quote by Warren Buffet.
Incorrectly quoted by Stephen Harper
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