Friday, March 27, 2009

Goodbye Judy. I hope this is "Hello"

I didn't know.

It's what comes from living under my own personal rock.

As I was driving to work this morning, an act which is unique to me as a daily thing in its own right, I had come to await the voice of Judy Maddren on CBC's World Report.

Driving to work every day is still a little surreal to me. I used to come home 14 weeks later. That's another story for another time.

This morning though, I was angry. Not from the knob who believed that tailgaiting me would make me move faster, but from the announcement that Judy Maddren was issuing her final report.

Believe me, I was ready to lay blame. I thought it was a part of the now very public CBC slashing of programming. I wanted to lay a beating on anyone who had precipitated the loss I would experience.

Then I had a meeting late in the day which accentuated the fact that nothing is as it seems. To say it was bizarre would be a complete understatement. Again, the stuff of another posting, but it made me look up what was really happening with World Report.

I discovered Judy Maddren is leaving CBC of her own volition... to move forward on her own path.

So, Judy, I really hope that we have the chance to hear that voice again. Soon.

Very soon.

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