Hot on the heels of this, from Canadian Cynic, comes this piece of work.
Assrocket can almost be excused for blind adoration of his hero. They are, after all, very much the same kind of person - heavy promoters of war for any reason without actually, well, you know, having to fight.
And, it's not like we haven't heard all this before from the Minnesota butt-booster. It's starting to look like an annual event.
I would be more critical of John-boy but he has a tendency to become rather vile with anyone who criticizes his opinions... and win awards in the process! Not to mention the episode of tripping over his own dink during the Terri Schiavo "Republican Talking Points Memo".
But, I digress. This is about Kathleen Parker's entry into the I was in the presence of the Commander In Chief and I'm starting to pant submissions.
According to KP, George W. Bush, is not a moron. He only speaks like one.
What I witnessed was revealing. Not only was the man fluent in the English language and intellectually agile, he was knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects raised during a 90-minute Q&A. Someone apparently had been slipping intellectual-curiosity tablets into Bush's cola.How does she determine that?
Toward the end, one of the guests said, "Mr. President, I think if Americans could hear you speak the way you have today, you'd have a 95 percent approval rating.''
I think that's almost true. Not 95 percent, obviously, but he'd surely have a higher than 30 percent approval rating were he better able to explain what he's thinking. Bush does know; he just can't seem to say.
If the guy can't say what he's thinking, we'll never know what's on his mind - except for the way he governs, which has managed to screw up, well, the entire planet.
Parker seems to have some mystic insight into the mind of George Bush. Why is she hiding it from us?
Tapes of Bush as governor of Texas reveal none of the malapropisms for which he is now infamous. That's because in Texas, he speaks his native tongue -- dropping syllables and esses without fear of criticism or embarrassment. That kind of freedom seems to liberate the man's mind and his mouth.Really?!
It wouldn't have to do with the fact that he was reading from prepared speeches though, would it? On his own we see his mind at work - on slow idle.
I work for a woman from Houston. She speaks perfectly understandable English - with a Texas accent. Funny thing about that. She's intelligent, articulate and knows that no one expects her to speak Canadian English.
She's smart enough to figure that out for herself. I guess Bush needs Kathleen Parker to tell him the same thing.
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