Finally.... somebody turfed the Bush-licking sonofabitch. I truly hope he's out so fast that the door doesn't have a chance to hit him on the ass.
As much as I would like to write a long and scathing post about him and his kind, I couldn't possibly do better than Cathie From Canada.
... just one year ago, one grieving mother showed up Bush for a fool. Then a drowned city showed up the heartlessness of the whole Bush administration, the guys who had talked so big about being the grown-ups. Americans became increasingly uncomfortable about being spied on by incompetent religious zealots. After a century of thinking of themselves as the good guys, Americans also became increasingly uncomfortable about finding themselves on the bad guy side of torture and secret prisons and Guantanamo and judicial toadying and planted news stories. The Bush administration still hasn't found Bin Laden, and they still haven't won in Afghanistan. Finally -- and unforgiveably as far as Americans are concerned -- the Bush administration has blustered and talked big but has proven itself incapable of actually controlling or even influencing North Korea, or Venezuela , or Hezbollah, or Hamas, or Iran, or Israel. And the one country that America has tried to take control of directly, Iraq, has disintegrated into a grotesque horror show...And Lieberman was party to it all.
Now, this incredible turkey plans to run as an independent.
Good luck, Joe. Start checking your wife's purse and robbing your grandkids' piggy banks because I have a tingling feeling that your donation pool just dried up.
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