Just a quick recap to give our regular readers a bit of an update. As you may have remembered The Galloping Beaver changed the format slightly to include more contributors. By now you've probably noticed new styles and a more diverse look.
Our regular contributors include me, Cheryl, Dana, Boris and Laura.
Laura will be cross-posting from her blog Liberalism Without Cynicism which I highly recommend visiting regularly to catch the rest of Laura's views on political issues in Canada, the USA and beyond.
We welcome our new contributors and offer our gratitude for making The Galloping Beaver a greater place in the blogosphere.
New Feature - The Galloping Beaver's Memory Hole
We've set up an adjunct site to capture those documents and files around the political world which might provide some background and comparison to current events. It's small at the moment but I can only imagine it will grow over time. It is a non-comment site and will only be updated as new documents are added.
The reason for this is to provide a captured memory for documents which have or may disappear from the web. You can either download or read them on the site. Presently, the site has available for download the Conservative Party of Canada 2006 Federal Election Platform document and the Conservative Party of Canada 2005 Policy Declaration. One has already been removed from the CPC website and given the course of events, it's likely the other will soon be difficult to find.
To make it easier to find, the link will be added to the blogroll as TGB Memory Hole.
Hopefully, this will be of some use to both readers and contributors while answering requests for documents placed in recent comments.
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