Sunday, September 15, 2013

Right under Pookie's upturned nose

Jeez, Christy! Maybe you can tell us from your waitress days how a major hotel, just a few feet away from you totally unnecessary, high-end, downtown, taxpayer-funded office (that is neither in the capital of the province nor anywhere near your riding), can even think of getting away with this.

An ad seeking unpaid interns to bus tables at Vancouver's Fairmont Waterfront Hotel has sparked a debate about whether unpaid internships take advantage of students.

The corporate carpetbaggers who run the Fairmont chain, particularly in British Columbia, need to have a good read of this.

An “internship” is on-the-job training offered by an employer to provide a person with practical experience. Often internships are offered to persons who have completed a diploma or degree program and are seeking employment. Completing an internship does not itself result in an academic certificate or diploma. If the duties performed by interns fall within the definition of  “work” contained in the Act, the intern falls within the definition of “employee”, and the agency using the services of an intern falls within the definition of “employer”, internships will be considered “work” for the purposes of the Act.
An apprentice is being trained while working for an employer and as such is performing work and must be paid wages.
 I expect now we'll hear all about Christy's days as a waitress. I do not expect we'll hear her tell us that she accurately declared all her tips to Revenue Canada.


MgS said...

She may tell you that she accurately declared her tips ... that doesn't mean it happened that way.

Boris said...

One would think they'd have a legal department that would know labour law. But then, I've found once or twice that businesses are sometimes surprised to find their are actually laws that compel them to pay their workers at at least a minimum rate, or do things like not lie to the public.

Boris said...

And good morning, Dave. Nice read your words again!