Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A question for Gary Lunn ...

Just exactly to what type of professionals would you suggest we entrust vast expanses of an unspoiled British Columbia central coast?

Decisions on the safety of supertankers transporting oil through B.C.'s northern waterways should be left to professionals instead of politicians muddying the waters, Gary Lunn, Saanich-Gulf Islands Conservative MP, said Tuesday.
"The people to do this correctly are the professionals, not a bunch of people trying to make political hay," said Lunn, a former natural resources minister. He has pointed out that a moratorium on northern tanker traffic, brought in by the previous Liberal government, is voluntary, not legislated.
Maybe oil professionals like, oh, I don't know, BP?
That worked well, didn't it?

And Enbridge has such a lovely track record. Just in case you haven't heard of their little incident last July at Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River....

I have an idea. Let's have the Minister of State for Sports practice what he preaches. Lunn could start by shutting his cake hole and staying out of the discussion altogether. He clearly doesn't have the interests of the people of that region as a priority.

Kim has more.

1 comment:

Holly Stick said...

Oh look, an almost-spill on the West Coast: