Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Maybe Joe's Just Misguided

So the Democratic Party is "considering" some kind of sanction against Joe Lieberman.

Apparently the powers that be in the Democratic Party think that a member of the caucus who speaks in prime time at the Republic convention and slags the Democratic nominee might require censure.

Are these people for real?

Are they really ready to slink away in fear and give away another presidential election to the Repugnican thieves?

Did they learn nothing from Lieberman's losing the Democratic nomination in Connecticut in '04? He's an Independent now remember.

I swear to FSM the cowards in the HQ of the Democratic Party should be marched into a studio and made to watch back to back episodes of Hanna Montana until they work up the courage to break down the door and leave.

Throw the little weasel out of caucus - disown him - make him dead to you - call him road kill - do anything that indicates you have some spine.


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