This is disturbing. What makes it even more so is that there appears to be some form of Domino Effect at work here.
This has the potential to turn two virulent right-wingers into, well, lefties. Let's face it, they're already claiming poverty and we know how right-types view the poor. (Those lazy, shiftless welfare bums.)
It reminds me of something I read a while ago. A conservative-minded individual was complaining about being "laid-off" and went on about the overwhelming lack of compassion displayed by the hatchet-person as the ROE was handed with a meager severance package. It was all very Milton Friedman-like. Unfortunately, I can't recall who it was or even the gender, but I do remember the person decided not to take advantage of Employment Insurance benefits. I quietly applauded the individual for being so true to conservative principles and not sucking off the government teat. This was particularly gratifying when I decided to ask a few questions of Service Canada and found out that EI applications could actually be done online, without ever having to visit an employment counsellor. The people at Service Canada were so helpful I was considering becoming unemployed just so I could spend some time with them.
But, I digress.
It strikes me that when one is in dire financial straits one should correct that problem. It is only a short step from begging on the intert00bs to strumming a ukulele in front of an empty guitar case outside the local liquor store.
So, rather than donate money and risk plunging these two into a vicious cycle of poverty I offer this.
Or, better yet, this. Jeebus knows, they could probably use the exercise.
Image courtesy NY Times.
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