That would be everybody who participated. I know that doesn't fit the competitive blood-sport of many of these types of awards, but that is what I saw and how I participated. There are no losers.
Now, the ones who acquired a plurality of votes (on a one vote per IP system) are at A Creative Revolution who, with the help of 900 ft Jesus, (if there were others, let me know in comments and I'll fix it up), developed, promoted and administered everything.

I have something to say about that. My fellow nominees share that award. And if the organizers don't mind, I would like to make that point when the badge goes up on the sidebar.
I said "we". Cheryl can take full credit for my awareness of feminist issues. While I have always felt that change was necessary, I was much less aware of the kind of challenges women faced until someone actually pointed them out. I'm guessing she'll have something to add to that.
I thank everyone for your support, not just of me, but of this first-time-out-of-the-chocks awards.
Ya done good. Now hop on over and click on the video, after you read what Heather Mallick had to say.
Well done to all participants, and big WELL DONE to A Creative Revolution for all the hard work. (Even amongst the two-year olds).
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