The Netherlands-registered MS Noordam will arrive in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada at 6 p.m. Pacific today. Without going into details, she's my kind of ship.
I think it is contingent upon certain members of Blogtopia (Yes, a term coined by Skippy) to make their way down to Ogden Point terminal and send a welcome note to one of the passengers. I know it might interfere with an otherwise pleasant long-weekend, but consider it an act in favour of the common good. Red Tory and Woman at Mile 0, might be well-placed to carry this off.
Go invite Jonah Goldberg ashore. Take him on a tour of a graveyard. The Veteran's Cemetery on the Gorge Vale Golf Course would work.
Then leave him there.
Let him try to find his own way back to the ship.
With any luck, he'll miss the midnight sailing and have to walk home.
Update: Categorize this under a day late. It has come to my attention that Victoria's Symphony Splash is taking place in the Inner Harbour tomorrow. One of the features of this event is the finale which highlights the Victoria Symphony Orchestra performing the 1812 overture. That's right - the one with the cannon fire in it. It would indeed be a treat to watch all those NRO chickenhawks crapping their diapers when the unannounced report of 12-pounder field guns reaches their ears.
But wait! All is not lost.
Tonight, the cadets of HMCS Quadra will be performing a Ceremony of the Flags on the grounds of the BC Legislature in Victoria. It includes a naval Sunset Ceremony and YES! Those 12-pounder guns are a part of it. That means that at a few minutes before 8:46 p.m. today, after the Guard of Honour fires three rounds of rifle fire, the gun crews will fire a 21 gun salute with their very loud field guns.
I hope there is room under the tables in the Pinnacle Grill for them. Just watching the reaction of Goldberg and crowd to those guns, which are spitting distance away from Noordam's berth, would be... priceless.
H/T Vanity Press
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