Monday was the Vancouver version of the SPP - I prefer to refer to it as Deep Integration - protest rally. Although unable to attend as I am in Florida, here is a link to a pretty good recap of the event thanks to Alison (one "l") at "Creekside": (No, I'm not going to link to her as on occasion when I do, government entities start looking over our blog shoulder. She's way more radical than "drf" and I! :) )
At any rate, "drf" was in the city and I suggested he trek down to Canada Place and check out the festivities.
He had never had the pleasure of meeting Alison - I had at the First Annual Bloggerpalooza back in April - and knowing that she was going to be in attendance, I gave him a description of her and "drf" proceeded to scan the crowd for a likely facsimile of one Alison.
Spying an attractive woman with long dark hair, striking beauty, impeccably dressed, immaculately manicured and toting a sign that read: "Bowen Babes for Beheading Bush" he just knew it had to be Alison and proceeds to tap her on the shoulder.
Alas, as the woman turned around with a look of death in her eye, she assumed "drf" was attempting to hit on her. Little did she know - and you'd think she could have figured it out as you'll see in a bit - this was no woman-hungry pick-up attempt since "drf" is of the homosexual persuasion as am I. (Nice how that works out, eh?) The woman promptly proceeds to pummel poor "drf" with her sign and the expensive Gucci bag she toted.
"drf" - now shocked beyond belief - turns to run and escape this mad woman. Unfortunately, not knowing the protest rally was to
include a march through downtown Vancouver, he had not chosen the most appropriate footwear for the event. Rather than comfortable walking shoes or sneakers, he opted to dress-to-impress with his new sexy, sling-back, "Come F_ck Me" pumps he had purchased at the Army & Navy Store's annual women's shoe event. As he begins to run off in terror, he promptly trips over one of the rally attendees. This one looked suspiciously like one of the poor souls in the lanes off of East Hastings that are a featured part of the "Sins of the City" tour sponsored by the police museum. Actually, he doesn't trip over the poor soul, but his sign that read: "I Will Protest for Smack".
Ankle severely twisted from the unfamiliar walking attire, "drf" is currently resting comfortably in room #314 of St. Paul's Hospital. Benevolent nurses and orderlies are keeping him supplied with Timbits and Double Doubles from the "Tim's To Go" at the corner of Burrard and Davie.
He is accepting visitors if you're in the area . . . .
(Cross-posted from Moving to Vancouver)
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