Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams is not happy, and he's prepared to show everybody.
Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams has launched an ad campaign against the prime minister, attacking Stephen Harper for reneging on promises he made over the federal equalization program.Yes, he did.Full and half-page ads appeared in newspapers Wednesday that slam Harper for including oil and gas revenues in a new equalization formula as well as implementing a fiscal cap.
The advertisements contain a graphic of the Canadian maple leaf, with the inscription: Is this what Canada stands for now?
The ad quotes a Gaelic proverb: "There's no greater fraud than a promise not kept."Harper used that quotation in campaign literature he distributed throughout Newfoundland and Labrador when he was leader of the Opposition.
In the brochures, Harper promised that a Conservative government would keep all non-renewable resource revenues out of equalization and not implement a fiscal cap.
"It was a promise that he made in the pamplet," said Wednesday's advertisement. "He stood on two election platforms and said it to our face. He wrote it in letters over and over again. It was a simple, unequivocal promise.
"And he broke it."
Allow me to assist in the formula being used here, and I hope I don't appear too cynical.
Number of seats up for grabs from:
Quebec: 75.
Newfoundland and Labrador: 7.
Any questions?
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