Monday, July 22, 2013

For your shopping list . . .

Like the sign says . . .


Beijing York said...

No surprises in that list but still, it really is daunting. I try to make as much as possible from scratch and/or use "organic" products that are not owned by those companies. Nonetheless, time is also a precious commodity as is trying to save money. Avoiding GMOs is a time consuming and expensive alternative, which is completely SHITTY.

The Mound of Sound said...

It's not particularly convenient but there's an Android app called "buycott" that lets you join campaigns say, for example, the Koch brothers or Monsanto. Then, when you're looking at a product on a store shelf, you can scan the bar code and it will tell you if that product is from one of your proscribed companies.

The Mound of Sound said...

A sidebar to this story. We know how Monsanto goes after farmers on whose land it finds their GMO wheat growing.

Goose poop, that's now.