Typhoon Fitow underwent a slight weakening in the last 6 hours and now has surface winds in the 75 knot/86 mph/139 kmh. It has made the alteration to the north and is now tracking North-Northeastward at 15 knots/17 mph/28 kmh. As it approaches the coast it will continue to be influenced by a mid-latitude trough over the Korean Peninsula. Some acceleration of speed over the ground is expected.

Right now the eye, which has developed ragged banding, is making landfall. Tokyo and all other cities within the influence are experiencing heavy rains and high winds.

We have reports from people in Tokyo in the comments section of the last update which describe the conditions there. Elevated trains have stopped running and some services have been disrupted, but at last report (Will and Rev) pizza deliveries are continuing.

Keep an eye on the comments section to this post. (Click on all images to enlarge)
UPDATE: New information here.
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