In keeping with the theme of the lunacy of the rightwing christofascists, Cernig picked up on this telling bit of superstitious crap from MichNews.
Prophecy continues to unfold. The Bible has warned about Middle East turmoil increasing "in the latter times." In Ezekiel 36-39, God speaks of bringing Jews from around the world to Israel, not because they deserve their own land but to vindicate His holy name. They besmirched deity's holy name by repeatedly sinning over centuries; but God will not tolerate His holiness smeared without vindication, hence Jews gravitating to Israel "in the end times." So look to the divine miracle: May 14, 1948, when Israel became a nation for the first time in centuries. Jews from all over the globe went to Israel, their homeland. Ezekiel predicted Israel's flourishing: herds, flocks, fruitage, ruined cities rebuilt. With Israel having settled in, however, biblical predictions go on to state that the enemies surrounding Israel attack Jews mercilessly. Blood flows like rivers. Natural calamities come also upon Israel, convincing Jews and Gentiles alike that God is God and that His holiness must be recognized. At the close of the Church Age — "in the latter days" — Israel will then come under the blessing of the returned Messiah Christ's peace. ...What is particularly interesting is that the Ezekiel Israel-signs are in place — Jews returned to Israel as their own nation, Israeli enemies staged to attack Israel, and threats of global holocaust coming from the chief killing antichrist on the planet — Islam. Put the more generic signs of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 alongside the specific Israel signs of Ezekiel 36-39 and you have the converging of the "latter day" signs.Now, you may not have heard J. Grant Swank, Jr. There's no reason you should have. Aside from MichNews, Swank writes for the Magic City Morning Star. Yeah, I know, you've never heard of that either. It's an online newspaper, written by volunteers in Millinocket, Maine.
A whole bouquet of Swank's writing can be found here. Within his columns you will find the standard christofascist fare: bigotry, gay-bashing, anti-choice vitriol and a healthy dose of religious hypocrisy.
Swank doesn't spend all his time in Maine. He owns 50 acres in Kennetcook, Nova Scotia which he inherited from his wife's parents. He makes rather a point of thanking his dead father-in-law for the bequest and tells us it's all part of God's master plan. You know, killing off his in-laws so he could enjoy those Bay of Fundy breezes.
Why would Israel want to ally themselves with this mob? Their whole focus is to annihilate the Jews.
H/T Brilliant at Breakfast
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