PORT CARMEN – Cesar, a snapping turtle who has lived in captivity for more than a year, has returned home to his natural habitat.
The turtle, weighing more than 37 pounds, was struck by a car in April of 2010 and was taken to the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre in Peterborough where he has spent the last year in their care.
The Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre has a great site, worth visiting.
The Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre is a non-profit, registered charity that operates a hospital for injured wild turtles. Once healed these turtles are released back into their natural habitat. KTTC also provides an outreach program to promote healthy turtle populations and stewardship. The Centre opened in 2002 and is located in Peterborough, Ontario.
With seven of the eight species of Ontario turtles now listed as species at risk, there is much work to be done to prevent turtles from disappearing from our ecosystems. But each turtle saved can make a difference. Less than 1% of eggs make it to adulthood, so every turtle’s ability to reproduce over many decades is crucial. Thankfully there is plenty we can all do to help make Ontario a safer place for turtles!
What a wonderful happy story for Cesar.
I understand, there is assistance for the baby turtles, who have to run for their lives to get to sea, before they get taken by predators.
Our oceans are dying, and far too many marine species are being threatened. Especially the terrible oil spills, that kill every thing in it's path. However, greed always comes first.
That photo should also be captioned don't try this at home. I remember prodding a snapper about the same size off the road in Rondeau Park. I was quite surprised at how far (and fast) it was able to stretch its head and grab the large stick I was using for 'encouragement.' Good thing it wasn't my hand.
A welcomed, happy ending post. Thanks, Ed. And yay Cesar!
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