Sit, John, sit!
Apparently canine commands are the only thing to which you respond.
Escort whatshername - it'll give you some creds. Scream like a stuck pig in parliament - it'll give you some media vapour light. Truck out the "you guys are irresponsible" line - it'll provide covering fire - for us.
John, you must understand, does nothing without a command or permission - period. That's why this is so impeachable.
"I can tell you the very last thing this country needs is an unnecessary election, less than a year before we had the last one," Baird said.So... Harper sends the loud obnoxious kid out to fire off the smoke. And Baird, dumber than most, seems only more than willing to do so, since it's clearly obvious that his position of prominence is something he could only have achieved under an incompetent and self-aggrandizing leader.
You're quite right, Baird. There are times when federal general elections are totally unnecessary. Your homeboy knows that. He knew it well before the last election, even though he lied through his teeth - just before he foisted one on the voters.
"It would be irresponsible to interrupt our important work on the economy with an unnecessary election."That would be the all-important recession war you guys are in. Something, I might add, that you consistently deny is actually happening.
Point: (My fucking emphasis)
... Baird said following the release of Statistic Canada's latest figures, which showed Canada's gross domestic product grew for the first time since July 2008.Yeah, well this is your poseur of an economist leader before he called the last election for no reason other than he thought he could mobilize his callous-kneed base while the rest of us stayed home. This is what the "economist" Stephen Harper was telling us:
StatsCan is reporting ugly things in July; the rest of the world sees the boot on the move for the global genitals in August and Harper, the great Harper, in mid-September, tells us that it isn't happening."While it has slowed down considerably, and while there remains this considerable instability, the American economy has not crashed, has not itself entered into recession," he told reporters in Ottawa.
"My own belief is if we were going to have some sort of big crash or recession, we probably would have had it by now."
And in October, he tells us parliament is dysfunctional. With no vote of non-confidence, calls a snap election. Never mind that he didn't make it past December without suspending the democracy to save his own ass.
Where has this happened before, John?
I could hang such a label off you, you fucking martinet.
You just gained a new aura, John, and when the writ next gets drawn up, the gloves get dropped.
I promise.
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