Prime Minister Stephen Harper "strongly advised" Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff Wednesday against bringing down the Conservative government.No. This is the same Harper that, to avoid the effects of Westminsterian parliamentary democracy, pulled an Oliver Cromwell and had the doors of Parliament nailed shut to prevent a vote which would have forced him to move out of 24 Sussex Drive, Ottawa.
That's not advice. That's begging.
"I've had three elections in four years," Harper told reporters in Quebec City. "I think that's more than enough for the Canadian public. I don't meet anyone … of any political persuasion who wants to spend the summer fighting an election."Oh... cry me a friggin' river. How very.... conservative of you, Steve. Who gives a red rat's ass what your personal quest for power has put you through?
For one thing, you self-serving asshole, Steve, the last election was your doing! You broke your own goddamned law to get it... all because you thought you could get a parliamentary majority.
For another, it's not just about you. People are losing their jobs, unable to find an adequate safety net and unable to rely on your bag of ideological sociopaths for anything resembling immediate assistance in a crisis. The fact that you might have to actually face a direct review of your performance and character by the people that employ you doesn't bother the average Canadian in the slightest.
You're a nasty little prick with a mean streak a mile wide. We have the right to decide whether you measure up to Canadian standards whenever we get the opportunity.
Despite any hardship you may claim as a result of that system... bucko!
Hell, you may even win another minority. Just think about it. Then you could press GM to name a car after you.
The Chevy Harpo, (with a Fat Daddy decal on the stern). A cheaply produced gas-guzzler with a second rate frame and a spot welded body. The minute it hits 80 k/mh it starts to vibrate. But man, does it have an engine: A twelve cylinder Packard that hasn't been seen in four decades. No emission control and a list of options which you can remove at will and throw out the window. By the time you've driven it across the country it doesn't even look the same. In fact, it looks like a Ford Model T, but you're happy because, oh man, THAT was a car and we didn't really need anything better. Nothing like a mussel car, eh Steve?
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