Having just returned from.... where the hell was I?
Oh yeah! Canadian Forces Base... (the location isn't important).
Funny how, for almost the past four decades, in two armed services, in two different governments, the protection of classified material has not changed. (Must be a NATO thing.)
As LuLu pointed out, there are certain specific requirements when transporting, transmitting and receiving classified documents, SECRET being a security classification of some signficance.
I would add to LuLu's accurate description to include the fact that the outside of the inner envelope requires a government approved security tape on the flap opening. The stuff is tough to open with a pair of sharp scissors and has a disgusting taste with an aroma not unlike an unwashed horse. (I know, I know... it's all in the glue).
Further, as CTV is reporting that Lisa Raitt or some "aide" left a file in which some pages were marked SECRET, then something is wrong. In any publication, regardless of the number of pages, if one page is classified SECRET then the whole publication is marked SECRET... on the outside cover, top and bottom, front and back. The cover page is also marked SECRET, top and bottom.
Not that the thing had any reason to be at CTV in the first place, but if it's not marked the way in which I described, somebody for whom Raitt is responsible has an abysmally poor security awareness. If it was marked correctly then only an idiot would leave it laying around.
I too know my stuff. I teach it.
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