Nabbed shamelessly from comments in Hullabaloo:
Trust me, Digby - those of us in Michigan are doing more than holding our breath. We're in complete panic, and frankly dumbfounded at how Washington DC is managing - or, shall I say not managing - this crisis.
Republicans in Congress are beating up Detroit because it's their last chance to feel any sense of power. When the new congress is sworn in, they may very well be facing a majority that they can't filibuster.
Their lack of action and sudden "concern" about financial matters has nothing to do with moving up the already approved loan money to the domestic auto companies. It has everything to do with busting unions. They have spread ridiculously false lies about the pay rate of union workers, and bury stories about how the unions have given up HUGE concessions. The unions are taking over the healthcare costs in the next contract - this will save the corporations millions of dollars. The auto companies need the loans to get through this dreadful economic market, where they can't get the regular lines of credit they used to, and they have slowing sales due to a horrific Bush economy and growing expenses due to our terrible healthcare system.
I really don't think people outside of this region understand how the Big Three touches every single family here. I personally don't know one person who doesn't have a family member whose employment isn't tied to the auto industry. And, those of us who aren't directly tied to the industry will see our companies fail due to the collapse of the middle class.
This is a last-chance for the Republicans to stick a dagger into the union movement and cripple millions of middle class workers.
I agree wholeheartedly with Treebark and cynick above. And, shockingly, I even agree with freaking Pat Buchanan from yesterday's Hardball. (I'm glad I was sitting down when I typed that). This was a crisis that is being "managed" in a way that is counterintuitive to American business, to our future prosperity, to our national security, to the health of our economy.
The Republicans want to cripple Obama and the middle class, and destroy the union. Their troops burning down the city as they retreat.
LandOfTheFree | 11.21.08 - 1:44 pm | # , responding to Interregnum Interruptus, by digby 11.21.08
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