The lane is just what it sounds like, a lane behind Thistle Street. The Thistle Street Bar became our local for the 2 weeks. Bellhaven Best became my quaff of choice, bar none the best draught ale I've ever tasted. Not exported mores the pity.

Looking up toward and just below the castle one sees these blocks of apartments which were originally built to house the various minions of royalty. Today they are among the most treasured of residences, rental only of course, and are closely held by the families who have the leases.

The castle of course dominates the downtown skyline. I opted to try and get closer more detailed shots than to try for a single long distance post card shot. Here are some.

There are some nice views over the New Town from the battlements too.

I couldn't resist the shot of the old cannon taking aim at the modern construction cranes.

Walking from the castle down the Royal Mile we came across White Horse Close.

My favourite street sign.

I think "A Company of Eccentric Beggars" would make a fine name for something. Maybe a theatre company, maybe a group blog, maybe a lobbying company. That's it a conservative lobbying company.
More later.
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