Blue Gal was wading through the swamp and found a little nugget. Actually, she found more than one, but you'll have to go there to see what I mean.
In any case, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino found herself on the pointy end of some tough questions put to her by White House press gallery member and grande dame Helen Thomas.
Enter Katherine Jean Lopez who thinks, after the exchange, that Dana Perino should get a raise for having to endure Helen Thomas.
Except that K.Lo, in posting her excerpt of the White House briefing was a tad dishonest. She didn't present the entire exchange - just the part which made it look as though Perino had put down Thomas and shut her up.
Blue Gal clears up that little bit of confusion by presenting the parts which our darling Republican hack thought weren't pertinent and during which Perino makes herself look like a total ass.
The Kellie Pickler YouTube will explain BG's conclusion.
Leave your comments at Blue Gal's.