Just in case little Stevie actually thought his message was getting through to anybody but those who used to view Canada as "The Honest Broker", something Harper has abandoned in favour of a place on The World Stage™ (alongside his personal hero, Dubya), I provide exhibit A as evidence. (In a minute)
No matter how hard he sucks; no matter how many times he bares his ass; no matter how militaristic his language; no matter how much he tries to ape the American Republican party, he fails to understand that the only way this country can punch above its weight is by remaining independent of the foreign policy of other countries and engaging the international community without hard ties.
Even when Harper sends Canada in to act as an obstructionist "bad boy" we come out looking like a spoiled brat, overshadowed by the real pricks of this world. I would use the analogy of a remora on a shark, but it's not that clean.
No. Harper has turned us into some gansta wannabe. He's become the leader of an after-school gang trying to make a name with the Crips. And guess what? He's not even good at that.
Exhibit A.
Does anyone notice anything wrong with that post?
Apologies to Balloon Juice, but you unintentionally demonstrated a point we've been trying to make, north of the 49th, for some time now.
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