Back in the day we used to have a line which, although it never actually got sent, was the dream of every frigate captain and every chief yeoman of signals:
Both gun barrels overheated. Gundeck covered in expended shell casings. Magazines are empty. Surface is clear to the horizon. My airspace is empty except for frolicking albatross. No sonar contacts. It's Miller Time!
Rachel is toast.
Well done to those who led the charge.
Now, if you want to get one of her mindless drive-by slimings, you'll have to go directly to her site. (You can link through these fine folks if you're inclined to actually read her stuff. They deserve the traffic; she doesn't.)
If you do decide to jump into the swamp with her, she's been good enough to provide a link to the Editor-In-Chief of the Toronto Sun where you can express your thanks for flushing her out of the Sun system. Or you can just click here and thank Lou Clancy directly.
There is one thing I have always wanted to address about Marsden. It was this quote:
“Fifty percent of people want to sleep with me, and the other 50 percent want to kill me.”Yeah, well, if she eliminated the pictures from her website the effect would probably reduce her traffic by about 50 percent. That would leave readers, most of whom would react to her vitriol accordingly.
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