Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Typhoon Fitow - 05/2330Z update computer track

Typhoon Fitow is continuing to close on Japan. A deep warm ridge east of Honshu and a mid-latitude trough across the Sea of Japan will steer Fitow to a landfall estimated to be 60 n/miles (111 km) southwest of Tokyo sometime around 9 pm Japan Standard Time, Thursday 6 Sept.

Fitow has strengthened to some degree, due to increased sea surface temperatures in the Kuroshio Current, and now has surface winds estimate at 85 knots/98 mph/157 kmh. The cyclone is moving in a Northwesterly direction at approximately 8 knots/9 mph/15 kmh. The trough extending across the Sea of Japan will probably turn Fitow in a more Northerly direction in the next 24 hours.

Forecasts from all sources are agreeing with the computer models.

UPDATE: Fitow makes landfall. New information here.

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