Monday, September 03, 2007

Reforming Afghanistan's Police - In Canada

While reading this Patrick Cockburn piece in The Independent on the British retreat from Basra I came across a mention of the International Crisis Group.

Well I hadn't looked at their site in quite a while so I clicked over to see what was new.

Lo and behold there's a report entitled "Reforming Afghanistan's Police".

That sounded interesting so I started reading the Executive Summary.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that what was being recommended for the reform of Afghanistan's police would be a superb set of recommendations for reforming our own.

Not that an intelligent, educated, aware, advanced society like ours is likely to ever require the reformation of our police service but still - if the unthinkable should ever happen and the national police get out of control or become incompetent or overtly political.


I especially like points b), c), d) and e) of the recommendations to the Government of Afghanistan and International Community.

I say we show Afghanistan the way by adopting all these recommendations ourselves just to show the Afghani people that we're serious.

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