If you haven't visited this site, it's probably because it's not getting enough recognition and, well, you're not getting enough culture.
I took a look and ran into what can only be described as one helluva shock. We are listed on Canada's Cultural Gateway.
There, under Blogs, Etc. was The Galloping Beaver. (scroll down when you get there)
We are under c.u.l.t.u.r.e. Gather that in. The Banff New Media Institute, an organization I highly respect, gave us a nod.
That's like winning an award!
So, what makes us so cultured? Well, the list could go on forever, and I can only speak for two of the five contributors, but here are a few things:
- We make our own wine. When we run out of that we like to sample the variety out of the Okanagan Valley. We like the new decorator boxes and the fancy new spigots.
- We snowshoe. Unlike skiing it gives one the ability to propel oneself uphill. And, as it's rather slower than skiing, there's actually more to see... like skiers going down the hill and the tree the skiers don't see until the last second. Did I mention you can go uphill in snowshoes? No lift passes hanging off our winter duds. Which means, it's also very cheap.
- We like to watch light shows... like this one.
- We occasionally encounter wildlife. There are these, these and, of course, these. Often, they appear nearby our house. The bighorn sheep like to spend their time in the fast lane of the highway, the beavers keep trying to harness hydro power on the river and the bears, well, tend to do whatever they want and seem to be addicted to apricots.
- We dress in traditional Canadian cultural clothing.
- We like to travel. It's easy in Canada. You start at one end of the country and just go to the other end on the same road. There are a couple of spots where keeping your eyes glued to the road ahead and a death grip on the steering wheel really pay off.
- We go for avant-gard. And we go in for fun.
Culture. It kind of grows on you.
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