Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Reality touching a nerve among Harper supporters?

First it was angry old guy calling reporters lying sacks of shit or something for asking about Duffy.

Now Harper supporters are spitting bile when reporters ask about Syrian refugees.

Things really aren't going well for them.


  1. Look at harper's eyes in that clip. he's on the verge of tears. Heavily sedated. he's having a hard time holding it all together.

  2. by restricting the events to Cons only, the general public is starting to see the real ugliness of the Con base. It helps explain Steve and his Cons actions while in government. these are the ugly Canadians.

  3. Jeez, the reporters/rob nicholson video is telling, isn't it, Boris?

    What a smarmy group surrounds the current - and soon to be former, I fervently hope - prime minister of Canada . . . .

  4. Harper is a rabbit now in fern, When you message is pooh and expert will only make that liquid.
