Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Harper: Gas bag in the wilderness

The Rev. took the juiciest parts of Harper's latest "sit down" with Peter Mansbridge and spread them out here. It's so good that it's difficult to pick out which part of "Iran really scares me" is the brownest part of Harper's utter bullshit. But by way of example:
“I’ve raised the alarm as much as I can, but obviously I don’t advocate particular actions publicly. I work with our allies to see if we get consensus on actions,” he said.
Mr. Harper said he has no doubt that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. “There is absolutely no doubt they are lying,” Mr. Harper said, referring to statements by Iran that the nuclear program is for peaceful uses.
“The evidence is just growing overwhelming. This is not, as was the case of Iraq, merely the opinion of allies,” he said.
The development of nuclear weapons as one of the purposes of Iran’s nuclear program “is just beyond dispute at this point,” he said. “The only dispute is how far advanced it is and how far off it will be until they actually develop those weapons and develop the capability of delivering the weapons.”
This is measuring in centimeters and calling it inches. "Mr. World-Stage", if he actually expresses these same things the same way at international gatherings, must be an amazingly embarrassing spectacle. You see ... the Israelis have a different take on Iran.
Iran has not yet decided whether to make a nuclear bomb, according to the intelligence assessment Israeli officials will present later this week to Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.


The Israeli view is that while Iran continues to improve its nuclear capabilities, it has not yet decided whether to translate these capabilities into a nuclear weapon - or, more specifically, a nuclear warhead mounted atop a missile. Nor is it clear when Iran might make such a decision.

Israel also believes the Iranian regime now faces an unprecedented threat to its stability, which for the first time combines both external and internal pressure: from abroad, increasingly harsh sanctions and threats of military action, and at home, economic distress and worries about the results of the parliamentary election scheduled for March.
  Read the whole article. Then ask yourself why Harper is in such a bum's rush to go to war.

And, if Harper disagrees with the Israeli intelligence estimate, does that make him anti-semitic?


  1. Anonymous17:14

    has Iran threatened Canada? I don't remember reading or hearing of it. However, I could have missed that.

    We went to war with Iraq, because the U.S. said, Iraq had WMD and that wasn't so. We attacked a country, for no good reason.

    Luis Moreno-Decampo, Chief Prosecutor, is deciding whether or not to prosecute Harper for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Harper bombed Syria without a declaration of war. Syria said, they did not have a declaration of war on Canada either. Harper abused the Geneva Convention. Who knows what is right and wrong in this country anymore? Everything seems wrong.

    Canada was never a war mongering country, until Harper. Canada's role is better as, a peacekeeping nation.

    If our young military gets maimed for life, Harper will not give them a pension, just a buyout, that wouldn't last for anymore than two or three years. I would be getting out of the military, as fast as I could.

    The WW11 veterans were really furious. Anyone fighting for this country, and getting severely wounded, must have a pension. They are fighting for Harper, and not for Canada. Harper isn't worth fighting for. I agree with them. You don't ask your military to fight for you, and then throw them in the garbage, when they are severely wounded for life.

    Harper had better keep his big mouth shut, before he gets this country into deep trouble. Canada is one huge, vast country to defend, and has a lot of lovely targets to hit.

  2. Um, we didn't go to war against Iraq, nor, to my knowledge have we bombed Syria. We did go into Afghanistan and bombed Libya, however.

  3. We went to war with Iraq, because the U.S. said, Iraq had WMD and that wasn't so. We attacked a country, for no good reason.

    What do you mean "we"?

    Harper bombed Syria without a declaration of war. Syria said, they did not have a declaration of war on Canada either.

    Syria? I think you mean Libya

  4. Gas bag is precisely what Stevie is. All "Raisins" needs is Don Cherry's tailor, and we got "Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em" innuendo for public foreign policy.

  5. And, if Harper disagrees with the Israeli intelligence estimate, does that make him anti-semitic?
    Why should he believe an organ of the Israeli government, run as it is by a coalition of losers?
