Thursday, September 29, 2011

Aryan neck-biters . . .

THE ISRAELIS ARE NOT HAPPY, because some 7-11's in Taiwan were selling stuff with what appears to be Adolf Hitler as a vampire. Really. According to Cyriaque (great moniker) Lamar at io9, "Vampire Hitler banned from Taiwanese 7-Elevens". Apparently, Asians are not as conscious of the odious aspects of der Grösser Aryan as the Israelis would wish. A decade ago, according to Laurence Eyton at the Asia Times, ol' Adolf was even chosen for politicking:

That young people tend to be more liberal than their parents is probably a truism. That liberal-leaning political parties should therefore assiduously court the votes of young people is simply common sense. But Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has chosen a rather strange new icon in its campaign for the youth vote in legislative elections this December - Adolf Hitler. Cases of cross-cultural misunderstanding rarely come richer than this.

But as Cyriaque notes, it could be sillier, like a Bin Laden zombie movie, with the renowned actor, Lorem Ipsum, himself. Now, that's silly. Maybe they'll put out a fatwa on poor ol' Lorem, wherever he might be; Wiki isn't too sure, as the page indicates.

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