Monday, April 04, 2011

Operation Unified Protector

DAVID CENCIOTTI'S WEBLOG has a detailed account of the Libyan air adventure, that is worthy of your attention. Apparently, the Armée de l'Air and the RAF were really hot to trot:

all of a sudden, while the United Nation Security Council was about to give birth to Resolution 1973, France had already sent his fighters into the Libyan airspace, in a really atypical “air war kick off” that I’ve discussed and criticized since Day 1 debrief. With barely the coordination needed to deconflict planes operating in the same airspace, US, France and UK (each one using its own tankers) and a few other supporting nations, started an offensive air campaign that could lead to the destruction of the Libyan capability to use the force against the oppositors, in most cases with a target selection that had nothing to do with the mandate of the UN resolution, but that was (once again, suddenly), stopped, as soon as NATO took over the command of the operations and US had the first opportunity to step back.

As efficient as ever . . .

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! Thanks for drawing the bottom line, Boris.
