Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We've moved the furniture...

Problems with the old Blogger template forced a change. Nothing too serious except that, no matter how hard I tried, we lost all our old comments.

We're now using Blogger's comments widget and HaloScan, in whatever permutation it became is gone... forever.

What used to be in the sidebar is now below the postings at the bottom of the page. That should cause fewer distractions.


  1. Ohhh, I like the new look!

    Been thinking of updating Challenging the Commonplace, but I've code in the present template that doesn't look to be compatible with the new templates; and I don't want to start all over again trying to find something that works.

  2. Thanks Chrystal. Unfortunately we lost all our past comments. Blech. Most of the code from the old template moved over without too much of a glitch. I had to add the Prog Bloggers connection to each post and that was about it.

  3. Looks good! Thanks Dave!

  4. Echoing Boris here, Cap'n!

    And - more important: How's the ceiling thing goin' ? ? ? ?

  5. The ceiling is FINISHED!!! Now just a bit of finish wiring, and then I start on the floor.

    Y'all are invited to install it for me while I sip away on an expensive bottle of Scapa.


  6. Y'all are invited to install it for me while I sip away on an expensive bottle of Scapa.

    W_at's _hat, C__pn?

    M_st be a _ad int_rn_t con_ect__n, rig_t Bor_s?

    T_e C_pn's br_ak_n up . _ . .

  7. Like your new look very much -- beige and taupe, very Martha Stewart, or Sarah Richardson, or Oval Office, if none of those offend!

  8. By the FSM, Cathie, I hadn't even looked at the designer aspect. I just wanted to clean up the mess.

    But now that you mention it, it does look kind of "designer". Simple but elegant.

    I see a TV program in the making.

  9. I dunno, Bob. Check your transmitter. :)
