... smelled like....
Victory. Someday this war's gonna end.
Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said Tuesday he will support the nomination of an Indiana University law professor to head the Obama administration’s internal law office.Ah yes, but the count is indeed close... and that's exactly how it should be. Arlen Specter, having "crossed the floor", if I may use a Westminsterian term, does not seal the count, but the fact that there will be a vote for cloture preventing a filibuster will be critical.He is the first Republican to publicly declare his backing for Dawn Johnsen, whose selection to head the Office of Legal Counsel has grown into a fight about abortion rights and counterterrorism practices.
Some Republicans have promised to try to block Johnsen’s confirmation either because of her support for abortion rights or because she criticized the legal justification used by the Bush administration for the torture of detainees.
Lugar’s support does not guarantee the Senate will confirm Johnsen. Sixty votes are needed to stave off a filibuster, and vote-counters say they are aware of close to 60 "yes" votes for Johnsen, but they are not declaring victory. One Democrat – Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson – has said he will vote against Johnsen.
Specter's first vote as a Democrat will be a message to his constituents in Pennsylvania, and to other all other Democrats. He does not have to vote for the nominee as much as he has to vote to prevent a Republican filibuster.
All people like Specter and Lugar have to worry about is their jobs. They could lose them.
In the meantime, our hamburger muncher by the sea, The Doughy Pantload, waddles along describing the distractions which prevented him from delivering his "book" anywhere close to his promised deadline. So much for the "pressures of family life" as an excuse.
Image. Credit JJ. You must visit JJ. Things are so heating up. Tea anyone? Or would you just like to be teabagged?
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