Monday, September 08, 2008

The Debates Could Be Canceled!!! Yay!!!

Do you mean to tell me that there's a way we could all be spared the boring, meaningless, charade of a leadership debate yet the TV networks consortium insist on inflicting it on us anyway?

I'd rather watch a live video feed of paint drying than watch 4 alienated, narcissistic, psychopathic white men in suits pose, pontificate and prevaricate for a couple of hours.

There's no real world value to these so-called debates. There's not even any pretend value. They're not even debates for christ's sake.

If there were even the slightest chance that the voters would see or hear anything meaningful or true none of those poseurs would ever take the chance of showing up.

The entire event is staged for their benefit to give them the most assurance possible that nothing will happen to give Canadians any sense of who they really are or what they really stand for.

It's reality TV at it's worst.

I won't be watching anyway and I may just decide not to refuse the ballot after all and give my vote to the Green candidate.

Just as a thanks for trying to get the debates canceled.

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