Monday, March 03, 2008

Dona Cadman speaks of speaking with Harper

Dona Cadman issued a statement today which even further twists the Cadman controversy:
Dona Cadman said Monday she believed Stephen Harper when he told her he didn't know about a million-dollar life insurance policy she alleges the Conservatives offered her late husband, Independent MP Chuck Cadman.

"I recall specifically asking him if he was aware of a million-dollar insurance policy offer that upset Chuck so much," she said in a news release issued Monday.

"He looked me straight in the eyes and told me he had no knowledge of an insurance policy offer," she said, recalling a conversation from more than two years ago. "I knew he was telling me the truth; I could see it in his eyes. He said, yes, he'd had some discussions with two individuals about asking Chuck to rejoin the party, but he'd told them they were wasting their time trying to convince Chuck."

Let's see now... this whole thing bubbled to the surface last Wednesday afternoon. Thursday: nothing. Friday: nothing. Through the weekend: nothing. Monday: Harper serves notice of a libel suit on Dion.

Interestingly though, Dona Cadman felt strongly enough about the "offer" made by two Conservative party operators that she felt she had to confront Harper.

And I probably don't have to explain, given the lengthy gap between Dona Cadman's original statement and now, what this looks like.

No. I didn't think so.

Update: Via Scott, CTV Ottawa bureau chief, Robert Fife, sees the same gap I do and then makes this point:
Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief, told Newsnet that Harper never volunteered information about that exchange when the story broke last week.

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